The virtues of the month envisions excellent and happy human beings which every member of the Hillrange family strives to become. They are taken from the Decalogue (Ten commandments from the Old Testament), the Beatitudes (from the New Testament) and natural philosophy (the cardinal virtues). Below is a list of the virtues of the month for eleven months (August excluded since the school is not in session) along with their their subordinate or related virtues and values.
January: Cheerfulness and optimism joy, serenity, surrender to Divine Providence, acceptance of failure, smiling asceticism, sporting spirit.
February: Holy purity, chastity modesty. temperance, respect for the opposite sex, respect for other people’s privacy and intimacy, clean mind.
March: Sincerity, humility truthfulness, honesty, integrity, simplicity, unity of life, self-knowledge, selflessness, meekness, transparency, veracity.
April: Spirit of sacrifice, mortification, penance demanding on oneself, heroism, courage, fortitude, persistence, patience, endurance, working against the current.
May: Loyalty, friendship understanding, refinement, love of neighbor, caring, kindness, benevolence, tolerance, sensitivity to neighbor’s needs, love for family members, patriotism
June: Good manners respect for others, considerateness, courtesy, politeness, fairness, etiquette, refinement, elegance.
July: Good use of time, leisure sense of priority with activities, doing important things first, creativity, care for one’s health, wholesome rest, diligence at work, sporting spirit.
Every staff of the school will make every effort to inculcate the VOM in the exercise of his work. Specifically the teachers will include comments on the VOM in his lesson plan. During general assembly the principal will make a commentary on the virtue. Students are encouraged by their advisors to make effort to acquire and live the VOM. Additionally the sessions on morals taken by the school chaplain dwell on aspects of the VOM and the various TICs urge their students to practice them
August: Honesty, courage, truthfulness, royalty, reliable are the virtues of the month of August. The good and safety of others, respect for privacy, and the common good are sufficient reasons for being silent about what ought not be known or for making use of a discreet language…. No one is bound to reveal the truth to someone who does not have the right to know it…Everyone should observe an appropriate reserve concerning persons’ private lives.
September: Study and work love for knowledge, planning, foresight, hindsight, circumspection, common sense, industriousness, productivity, professionalism, diligence.
October: Order efficiency, sense of priority, being methodical and systematic, serenity, composure November: Responsibility dependability, reliability, being proactive, social responsibility, respect for others, reliability, passion for excellence.
November: Peace making, justice, Conscience…is the voice of God within us. A developed conscience helps us make decisions that support truly loving relationships.
December: Generosity and service hospitality, magnanimity, preferential love for the poor, strong desire for holiness, care for details, love for the common good.