We are launching an initiative to extend our formative efforts to teenage children beyond the walls of Hillrange. There is no doubt that strengthening the character of children, especially adolescents, is critical to their overall development, success, and ultimate fulfilment. Taking advantage of technology, we hope to be able to reach a large number of...Read More
In every family matters ranging from weighty questions like whether to relocate to a new place or undertake a major career change, to such minutiae as what schools the children should attend, or even what to have for dinner on a particular day call for nothing short of decision making. The ability to make good...Read More
Our 2nd set of boys have done very well in the just released UTME (JAMB). Of the 36 students (one is yet to check his result), no one scored below 200; 8 or 23% scored between 201 and 250; 15 or 43% scored between 251 and 300; 12 or 34% scored 300 and above. We...Read More
The following candidates passed the entrance exam and scaled through the first phase of our admission process. Congratulations. Parents’ interview (which concludes the process) will take place in the school between the April 17 and 26.To book for parents’ interview, call 09038346546 or 09076608724 as soon as possible to pick a specific date and time...Read More
About Us
Education with a Catholic Ethos
Boys aged 11-18.
Location: Centenary Estate
Along Enugu Portharcourt
Express Way, Enugu