HILLRANGE GIS CLUB is an educational club in Hillrange Secondary School Located in Enugu State, Nigeria.
Our vision is to be a renowned “GIS HUB” that mentor children/students (in Primary/Secondary Schools) in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Geospatial Technologies so that they can better pursue a good career in related disciplines or apply the knowledge in their chosen fields when they get into College and respective careers afterwards.
We are aware that children learn in a variety of ways, but visual learning is especially effective; As such, our mission is to support and foster visual learning that will help students connect better with lessons in the classroom using maps and geo-apps to illustrate geographical contexts of real event and places within their environment, Community(communities), State and Country as a whole.
Leveraging on support from ESRI’s ArcGIS for Schools & Clubs, Geo-mentor(s) in Hillrange GIS Club ensures that students are trained in the basics of ArcGIS online/ArcGIS Pro and other geospatial tools to comprehend the “Science of Where” while putting into cognizance the academic curriculum across other subjects in the School.