Our philosophy at Hillrange is founded on a Catholic vision of the human person. We understand education as a process that enables the student to gradually take responsibility for personal improvement and helps him strengthen his will in such a way that he is able to forge a strong character.
We want to help to form persons who are free and are conscious of importance of striving to develop their talents maximally by acquiring human virtues. We want to form men who are sincere, loyal, cheerful, optimistic, generous, with a spirit of service within the family and in society; principled persons with capacity for commitment, responsible, with initiative in their personal lives, zeal to win through in life struggles and the capacity to sustain such struggles. Such persons steadily acquire the sensitivity to appreciate order and beauty and thus grow in happiness, which they help to spread around them. The four major human virtues that support good character are:
Personal Responsibility
Each person has certain duties to perform at home, at school and in the wider community. Young people begin to hold their destiny and that of others in their hands. Action or inaction has consequences.
Good Judgement
The ability to make wise choices and judge what is right in each situation based on personal values.
Development of personal strength which enables one to persevere in things that are worthwhile.
The ability to exercise self-discipline in many ways. Our programme of character development and training in virtues are given through instructions, guided practice and above all the good examples of teachers who never lose sight of the their place as role models for the boys.
The formal means for training in virtues and character include:
Character Development Lesson: The Class Teacher and pupils discuss and reflect upon the virtue for each month. The school chaplain also give the students a talk on the respective every fortnight.
Advisory Chats: This one-to-one discussion with pupils provides another opportunity to discuss virtues on a personal level.