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Visit of two members of Opus Dei

HILLRANGE SCHOOL > News > Visit of two members of Opus Dei

Two members of Opus Dei, Fr. Pau, a Spaniard living in the headquarters of Opus Dei in Rome, and Pablo Elton (a Chilean living in Hong Kong) visited Hillrange this morning. They are spending a few days in Nigeria on official assignment (service commission) from the Prelate. The principal, with a number of other members of staff, conducted them round the school. They had some interactions with the students in their respective classroom.

The JS 1 (Year 7) boys who were particularly engaging, greeted them with many questions and comments. Some of these questions made us all laugh: Do they still crucify people in Rome? Is the river where Jesus was baptized still there? How come you can speak English? What languages do they speak in Rome? Who is the head of Opus Dei? Is he a bishop or an ordinary priest?

All in all, we enjoyed every minute of the one hour they spent with us. It was truly refreshing.

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